Are we all just a little insane?

Seriously, I have been wondering.  If you follow quantum physics which portends that time is not linear and it’s all a matter of our perception, then couldn’t we apply this thinking to our mental states?

I mean who says the guy eating cockroaches on the street is insane. Many countries serve these insects as delicacies.  So the question isn’t that they are in edible, but our perception of it being so.

so if many thousands of folks eat insects, then wouldn’t it mean this guy was sane too?  Or do they have to be roasted and served with a great sauce?

Think about it.  What does our society claims as sane behavior but if we did the same thing in the depths of the Amazon Forrest would get us “exorcised” or something.

It wasn’t too long ago that the thought of flying would get you burnt at the stake and men wanting to become women would be scoffed at, yet now both are growing common.

so what is sanity? Perception? Or fact? Will we ever know?

Breaking News: Trump’s a Murderer, Clinton the Anti-Christ


   A friend gave me this writing prompt and dared me to write a story in thirty minutes or less. So being an equal opportunity offender I decided to piss off, the north, south, republicans, democrats, the rich and the … Continue reading


When you were a baby you idolized me

When you were eight you ignored me

When I was near death you thought of only yourself

When you were a tween you wanted to challenge me

When you were fifteen I was your trusted confidant 

When I tried to be vulnerable you turned on me

When you grow up you will have forgotten…

… It all.